Complete the following form and click the Submit button at the end of the form and your reservation will be sent to the textbooks. Confirmation of this textbook order will be sent to the email address provided below.
* required fields
Your Name
* Instructor's Name
* Email
* Phone
* Course Prefix
* Course Number
* Section(s)
* Department
* Term
* Enrollment Estimate
Is this a continuation course, where students have the textbooks from a prior term? -- Please Select -- Yes No
Undergraduate & Graduate crosslistings? -- Please Select -- Yes No
Select the number of textbooks you will be submitting for adoption: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Textbooks
* Author
* Title
This text is required recommended optional
Format Hardcover Paperback Bundle
If the edition has been superseded by another, do you want us to use the newer version? Yes No
Any special requests or circumstances associated with this course?
* Verification code Enter the verification code as it is shown in the image above.